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Cadaverworkshop Shoulder Arthroscopy IORT


This cadaver course is organized by the orthopedic department of UZ Leuven in collaboration with the IORT in Leuven and is intended for orthopedic trainees with special interest in shoulder arthroscopy.

With theoretical and practical sessions we aim to familiarize the participants with the basic techniques of shoulder arthroscopy. Short lectures by the faculty members will highlight the most important surgical steps during arthroscopic shoulder procedures, after which all participants will have plenty of time to improve their surgical skills in the cadaver lab.


9h00-10h00 Presentaties
- Patient installation, OR-set up and portal placement.
Dr. J. Beckers
- Diagnostic arthroscopy of the shoulder.
Dr. F. Verhaegen
- Arthroscopic treatment of labrum tears.
Dr. K. De Mulder
- Arthroscopic treatment of rotator cuff tears.
Dr. T. Van Raebroeckx

10h00 - 12h30 Cadlab: intra-articular (labrum and biceps)


13h30 - 14h30 Presentaties en workshop dry-lab

- Anchors and knots.
Dr. T. Van Isacker

14h30 - 17h00 Cadlab: extra-articular (cuff)


IORT Leuven
UZ Leuven / Gasthuisberg – Onderwijs & Navorsing 1bis – Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven
Parking Onderwijs & Navorsing: code tbc


Registration fee 60€

Registratie via

Vanaf 1e jaar ASO

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